Voting, Truth, Unity and the Future of the USA

Our Forefathers Started This Nation on Christian Values, Now We Must Keep Them

As Christians, we should care about the future of our nation.  We should care about who serves on the Supreme Court, and social issues like abortion and traditional marriage and also the social and cultural future of our nation. ­­­­We have the opportunity to vote for men and women who support our Christian values. Some people do not want to vote as they believe we are to separate church from state. However, separation between church and state does not mean we are to be isolated from politics, but rather that we influence politics with Christian and biblical principles. Separation between church and state was meant to keep the government from overruling the church; as the new republic our forefathers founded, wanted to be free of the government telling the church what they could do. It was about freedom of religion so the government would not interfere with the freedom of God’s people.

We must have a president who will support religious freedom at all levels of government. I am thankful that our current President has taken a strong stand for religious freedom for Christians in this nation, as well as his strong stand against abortion.  Remember we are voting for more than just one leader, we will also be voting for either the Democratic Party Platform or the Republican Party Platform when we choose our president.  Read the platforms of both parties and you will find that the Democratic Party supports abortion, while the Republican Party supports the sanctity of life. That one thing alone should influence our Christian vote. There are many other issues on the Democratic Platform that are opposed to the Christian belief, but this one issue alone should tell us what party to vote for. 

Democratic and Republican Platforms Side-by-Side Posted on Billy Graham’s Website:

Our current and future president will face enormous challenges and problems and he will need our support and prayers, not our criticism. We are admonished in the Word of God to pray for all leaders, as God wants us to have leaders that will make decisions that will allow us to live quiet and peaceable lives (not chaos) in an environment of godliness and honesty according to the scripture below:

1 Timothy 2:1-5:  
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

My Prayer for the Elections

We have diligently been praying about the upcoming elections, as so many other Christians are doing, as well. “Lord I pray that we elect the right people who will hold the offices that will determine the future of the United States. Give Your people and others who don’t even know You, discernment and wisdom in the voting for the offices of president, senators and representatives that will ultimately rule over us. Lord, there is much division in the body of Christ and our nation, may we hear Your voice and rally around You and Your Word, as we make any decisions. Lord I come against the spirits of division and confusion that keep the church and the nation divided.  Lord, I stand against all the lies, confusion and chaos that are bringing deception to Your people. Lord, reveal to us the truth as we vote for people and for the issues on the ballots across the land. Lord we know You look at things differently than we do, as You look at the hearts of people and You know the future, so we can trust You to show us Your choices.  Give us Your wisdom to vote properly. Deliver us from all deception and show us the truth and let us be led by Your Spirit, not just in voting, but in every area of our lives because we are surrounded with so many threats at this hour like Covied19.  Protect us from this evil and bring an end to it.  We know if we seek You and repent You will forgive our sins and give us Your mercy and grace to overcome in these perilous times. Give us revelation of Your will and the grace to obey You in all things. Let there be revival in the land. Lord, we know You are shaking all things and allowing sin and rebellion to be exposed. Expose the lies and the people who have been lying.  Lord, search our hearts and show us anything we have believed that is wrong and show us where we have been deceived so we can be set free. Let us hear from You about these elections.  Let Your anointing rest on the elections and may we vote, led of Your Spirit and be guided in all of our ways.  Let us all hear Your voice and walk in Your ways. May we all surrender to Your will in all things and then Lord, we will know the truth, as that is the key to hearing Your voice.  In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.”  

John 7:17  “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.”

For Those Who Have Chosen Not to Vote at All

Many people do not even want to vote at all because they hate discord and disunity. That should not be our attitude, as not voting at all is still “a decision,” as we are allowing others to vote for us and passively accepting what they want. 

Also, we must be very careful, as believers, not to become cynical and critical of our leaders, as we are admonished to pray for them, not criticize them. We can speak up about things that are wrong, but not with the wrong attitude, as our critical attitude can be just as sinful as what they are doing in the eyes of God. Remember, we will be judged ourselves with the same judgment we speak about others.  This does not mean we cannot acknowledge anything that does not agree with the Word of God, as that is a discernment issue when we see things that do not line up with the Word of God.  However, when we start “bad mouthing” people (both politicians and preachers) we are not pleasing to God. We can disagree if something does not line up with the Word of God, but we should not berate one another.  God tells us in the Bible how we are to deal with things of this nature so it would be good to pray and let Him show us what we need to do to correct wrongs. I would recommend a good Bible study on the subject of what we should do as Christians when we disagree. This will also help in marriage disagreements.   Remember one of the things that God hates is “discord among the brethren.”

My Prayer for Those in Disagreement

This is the prayer I ask people to pray with me when they disagree with me.  We should all be willing to change if we are wrong by submitting to God and one another in prayer so that we can come into His unity. Unity can only exist when we rally around the truth. We cannot allow pride to keep us apart. We must sincerely want to know God’s will and be willing to change once God’s shows us.

“Dear Heavenly Father,  You know that my brother (or sister) is in disagreement about this subject and we each believe that we are right, so I am humbly submitting my opinion and belief to You and asking You to show us which one is wrong.  Lord, if it is me, then I desire to change and receive the truth.  Lord, we cannot change strong held opinions and sometimes even what we believe to be true without You giving us revelation and Your truth on the matter.  Because of this, show us which one of us is right and who has the truth, as I believe my brother (or sister) is seeking the truth, as I am. Give us both Your love and patience with one another to await Your revelation on this matter as You have called us to unity and love and it is only in You that we can receive it. Lord, help us not to react to one another in anger because we do not agree, but let us trust in You that you will speak to each of us in this matter. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

1 Corinthians 1:10  “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.”

Speaking Blessing Not Curses Will Make a Difference in the Course of History

One of these is to use our words and our vote to change the course of our nation.  The other mighty thing we can do is to pray for all people, both the ones we agree with and the ones we do not agree with.  There are enough people in the world who are cursing our leaders with their evil words.  They need to repent and start praying for our elected leaders in both parties, as critical people will reap what they sow.  If people are speaking death to others, then death will come back to them. We are either speaking life or death.  Speaking death is not just speaking that people will die, but we can invoke the “death principal,” as well, which is speaking death to marriages, death to our finances, death to family relationships, death to our surroundings, etc.  We need to be very careful what we speak, as our words create good or evil. 

Proverbs 18:21  “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

Deuteronomy 30:19  “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”

Voting is our Civic Duty

Please encourage others you know to sign up and vote, as well.  Share with friends and encourage them to vote.  I know some people just do not want to vote at all, as they are upset with both presidential nominees.  However, I remind people we are not just voting for a man, but for the platform issues of the party, for our Supreme Court judges, and for the society and culture that will rule based on the party platform that prevails.   If we vote for no other reason than to stop the evil abortions that are killing babies every day, the Lord will have His stamp of approval for that alone on our lives, even though there are many other anti-biblical issues that are supported by deceived people, as well.  Read for yourself what the issues are that are supported by the Republicans and compare them with the Democrat platform issues and I believe any Christian can see clearly how to vote if he honestly wants to know the truth and is willing to humbly ask God to show them how to vote. We must vote for the people and the things that most closely line up with the Word of God remembering that no human is perfect.  Go to Billy Graham’s website to view these platforms and then ask God which of these pleases Him and then side with God with your vote. 

Democratic and Republican Platforms Side-by-Side Posted on Billy Graham’s Website:

If you sincerely still do not know how to vote, I encourage you to pray in the spirit, as when we pray in tongues we are praying according to the will of God as outlined in scripture. When I watched the debates, I did not know how I was to pray so I prayed in tongues the entire hour and half, as I knew those prayers were led by the Holy Spirit’s guidance and I would be praying for the will of God to be done in the midst of what was going on.  May we all humble ourselves and seek only the will of God in all we do at this hour, as God is the only One Who will be able to save us from the evil we see in the world. No man nor party can do that, but since God knows the future, we can rely on Him to show us how to vote and what to do in every circumstance. How can we vote and approve things that God hates? As long as the Democratic Party party supports abortion and does not support the sanctity of life, we should not support those people.  If you read the party platform issues you will find the Democratic Party also supports many other anti-biblical ideas, as well.  Remember we are voting for more than one man, we are also voting for the platform issues of the party. I am praying for God to rule our nation through the servant hearted people He raises up so that we can all live in peace and harmony. I am praying for God to change men’s hearts and especially all of our leader’s hearts so that we will be that Christian nation that is a light on a hill for all the world to see.  Closing with this scripture once again:

1 Timothy 2:1-5
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 

Reminder to Register to Vote

This is just a reminder to make sure everyone is registered to vote this year. This is an extremely critical year for Christians to vote. The deadline in Arizona is October 23, 2020.  (Search online for your state’s deadline.) So, if you are not registered to vote, please for the sake of the nation, your home and your state, you must register and vote this year. It is not only critical that we vote correctly, because it will help prevent more judgments from coming on our nation (like the Pandemic). Or, if we fail to take a stand for our nation’s future, it will speed them up, depending on what each of us do. Voting is just one of the civic responsibilities we should step up and do. We must repent for being apathetic, if we have failed to vote in the past, we must understand that it is our civic duty.  We each hold the key to our future when we determine to follow the Lord or go our own way.  We must do both – pray and vote.

You can register to vote online at this link: 
It is safe, easy and hassle free. Deadline in Arizona to register to vote is October 23, 2020.

Democratic and Republican Platforms Side-by-Side Posted on Billy Graham’s Website