Betty Miller and her husband, Bud, were co-founders of the Bible.com website back in 1994 and have now moved their ministry content to their newest website, BibleResources.org. They have served as pastors, teachers, and evangelists, with an apostolic/prophetic calling to proclaim the gospel through the Internet. Bud was a business man prior to his call to the ministry. He is a man of wisdom and encourages all in the Word of God. Betty is a teacher of the Word of God, with a beautiful ability to present and write the truth in a simple and understandable way. She has authored 21 books, plus numerous articles and teachings, posted at the BibleResources.org website. She attributes her gift of writing to the Lord.
Through a miraculous event, Bud and Betty were able to obtain the Bible.com domain name back in 1994 and then, in 2012, in their senior years, have now founded another Bible based website called BibleResources.org. God has used the Millers on the Internet to reach millions of people each month, around the world, with the Word of God. They are both servants of God who walk in faith and humbly attribute their gifts to God as they continue to minister over the Internet. The current website, BibleResources.org, is devoted to helping people understand and grow in God by providing many Bible resources and tools free. The website offers an enhanced Bible search feature to help the user find what they are looking for in the Bible. The website also offers Bibles, Bible Studies, Bible Tools, a Prayer Room, Bible Answers, Bible Teachings, Daily Devotionals, a Ministry Bookstore, plus many other Christian resources.
Betty’s most popular book, God’s Wisdom for Daily Living is a 365 daily devotional based on the entire book of Proverbs. This unique book is more than just a daily devotional, but is a series of mini-teachings, helping people to both study and mediate on the Word of God. Proverbs reveals the Wisdom of God, and helps us know how to deal with the every-day problems we all face. You can purchase the book or read free daily on the website at: http://bibleresources.org/devotional.
Bud went to be with the Lord in March of 2020, so Betty, as a widow, continued to maintain the website and also directed an online weekly prayer meeting while continuing to write, for the next three and one-half years. Then, the Lord brought Earl Haddix back into her life. Earl had been a part of the Christ Unlimited Fellowship in times past by attending services there for a number of years.
Since Betty’s recent marriage to Earl Haddix in the fall of 2023, the Lord continues to use her anointed writings to fulfill her call in the office of a teacher in the five-fold ministry. Earl is fulfilling his calling in the roll of an administrator for Christ Unlimited Ministries. They both have a strong intercessory prayer ministry. They labor in prayer to find the heart of God regarding issues that need prayer for God’s will to be fulfilled in this world. As prayer partners, they desire to see the Kingdom of God established in this Earth. And they serve the Lord to that end, giving Him praise for all that He does through them. They are grateful for the love God gave them for one another and desire that everyone experience that same Love of God for them. They have a heart for people to know God and serve Him. They desire the Word of God to be published on the website, so that Jesus and His Word is spread to the ends of the earth.
The Christ Unlimited Offices are located in Dewey, AZ, USA.